Sud de l'Índia
Tipus | regió geogràfica ![]() | ||||
Localització | |||||
Entitat territorial administrativa | Índia ![]() | ||||
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Característiques | |||||
Superfície | 635.780 km² ![]() | ||||

L'Índia del Sud, Índia meridional o Sud de l'Índia és la regió del subcontinent indi que comprèn els estats següents: Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala i Tamil Nadu, així com els territoris de Lakshadweep i Pondicherry. Tots aquests pertanyen a l'Índia.
L'Índia del Sud es troba al sud de l'altiplà del Dècan, amb la mar d'Aràbia a l'oest i el golf de Bengala a l'est.
Antigament, a la literatura tradicional de l'Índia les muntanyes de Vindhya fromaven la frontera entre l'Índia del nord de l'Índia del sud.
Divisió lingüística
[modifica]L'Índia del Sud, habitada pels pobles dràvides, és una zona de l'Índia amb un caràcter especial. Amb cultures i costums diferents, i parlant llengües dravídiques, a l'Índia del Sud predominen quatre alfabets que la gent del nord generalment no pot entendre.
A nivell popular sovint la definició de "Índia del sud" s'oposa a "Índia del Nord", zona lingüísticament més homogènia on predominen les llengües indoàries que són, en gran manera, mútuament intel·ligibles.
Vegeu també
[modifica]Referències i bibliografia
[modifica]- Beck, Brenda. 1976. “The Symbolic Merger of Body, Space, and Cosmos in Hindu Tamil Nadu." Contributions to Indian Sociology 10(2): 213-43.
- Bharata (1967). The Natyashastra [Dramaturgy], 2 vols., 2nd. ed. Trans. by Manomohan Ghosh. Calcutta: Manisha Granthalaya.
- Boulanger, Chantal; (1997) Saris: An Illustrated Guide to the Indian Art of Draping, Shakti Press International, New York. ISBN 0-9661496-1-0
- Craddock, Norma. 1994. Anthills, Split Mothers, and Sacrifice: Conceptions of Female Power in the Mariyamman Tradition. Dissertation, U. of California, Berkeley.
- Danielou, Alain, trans. 1965. Shilappadikaram (The Ankle Bracelet) By Prince Ilango Adigal. New York: New Directions. ISBN 0-8112-0001-9
- Dehejia, Vidya, Richard H. Davis, R. Nagaswamy, Karen Pechilis Prentiss (2002) The Sensuous and the Sacred: Chola Bronzes from South India. ISBN 0-295-98284-5
- Hart, George, ed. and trans. 1979. Poets of the Tamil Anthologies: Ancient Poems of Love and War. Princeton: Princeton U. Press
- Kallarasa Virachita Janavasya Ed: G.G. Manjunathan. Kannada Adhyayana Samsthe, University of Mysore, Mysore 1974.
- Gover, Charles. 1983 (1871). Folk-songs of Southern India. Madras: The South India Saiva Siddhanta Works Publishing Society.
- Nagaraju, S. 1990. “Prehistory of South India.” In South Indian Studies, H. M. Nayak and B. R. Gopal, eds., Mysore: Geetha Book House, pp. 35–52.
- Trawick, Margaret. 1990a. Notes on Love in a Tamil Family. Berkeley: U. of California Press.
- Wadley, Susan, ed. 1980. The Powers of Tamil Women. Syracuse: Syracuse U. Press.
- Zvelebil, Kamil. 1975. Tamil Literature. Leiden: Brill. ISBN 90-04-04190-7
- Economy referenced from the Encyclopaedia Britannica online.
- Some economic statistics from Union Budget and Economic Survey, Government of India Arxivat 2018-01-15 a Wayback Machine.. URL accessed April 10th, 2006.
- Menachery G (1973) The St. Thomas Christian Encyclopedia of India, Ed. George Menachery, B.N.K. Press, vol. 2, ISBN 81-87132-06-X, Lib. Cong. Cat. Card. No. 73-905568; B.N.K. Press
- Mundalan, A. Mathias. (1984) History of Christianity in India, vol.1, Bangalore, India: Church History Association of India.
- Leslie Brown, (1956) The Indian Christians of St. Thomas. An Account of the Ancient Syrian Church of Malabar, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1956, 1982 (repr.)
- Podipara, Placid J. (1970) "The Thomas Christians". London: Darton, Longman and Tidd, 1970.
- Menachery G (ed); (1998) "The Indian Church History Classics", Vol. I, The Nazranies, Ollur, 1998. ISBN 81-87133-05-8.
- David de Beth Hillel (1832) "travels"; madras publication;
- Menachery G (ed) (1982) The St. Thomas Christian Encyclopedia of India, B.N.K. Press, vol. 1;
- Lord, James Henry (1977) "The Jews in India and the Far East"; Greenwood Press Reprint; ISBN 0-8371-2615-0).
- Poomangalam C. A. (1998) The Antiquities of the Knanaya Syrian Christians; Kottayam, Kerala.
- James Hough (1893) "The History of Christianity in India".
- K.V. Krishna Iyer (1971) Kerala’s Relations with the Outside World, pp. 70, 71 in "The Cochin Synagogue Quatercentenary Celebrations Commemoration Volume", Kerala History Association, Cochin.
- Periplus Maris Erythraei "The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea", (trans). Wilfred Schoff (1912), reprinted South Asia Books 1995 ISBN 81-215-0699-9
- Miller, J. Innes. (1969). The Spice Trade of The Roman Empire: 29 B.C. to A.D. 641. Oxford University Press. Special edition for Sandpiper Books. 1998. ISBN 0-19-814264-1.
- Thomas Puthiakunnel, (1973) "Jewish colonies of India paved the way for St. Thomas", The Saint Thomas Christian Encyclopedia of India, ed. George Menachery, Vol. II., Trichur.
- Koder S. 'History of the Jews of Kerala". The St. Thomas Christian Encyclopaedia of India, Ed. G. Menachery,1973.
- Vellian Jacob (2001) Knanite community: History and culture; Syrian church series; vol. XVII; Jyothi Book House, Kottayam
- Weil, S. (1982) "Symmetry between Christians and Jews in India: The Cananite Christians and Cochin Jews in Kerala. in Contributions to Indian Sociology,16.
- Bjorn Landstrom (1964) "The Quest for India", Double day English Edition, Stockholm.
- T. K. Velu Pillai, (1940) "The Travancore State Manual"; 4 volumes; Trivandrum
- Caldwell, R (1998) "A comparative grammar of the Dravidian or South-Indian family of languages" 3rd ed. rev. and edited by J.L. Wyatt, T. Ramakrishna Pillai. New Delhi: Asian Educational Services. ISBN 81-206-0117-3
- Menachery 2010, The St. Thomas Christian Encyclopaedia of India, Vol.III, Ed. George Menachery, Ollur [Trichur], 2010 ISBN 81-87132-06-X Lib. Cong. Card No. 73-905568
- Bloch, J. (1954) "The grammatical structure of Dravidian Languages". tr. of 'Structure grammaticale des langues Dravidiennes' (1946) Poona: Deccan College Handbook Series.