A plate of heulandite featuring an extremely sharp chabazite crystal to approx. 2 cm, with vivid color the most intense I have seen from here. This is an extremely aesthetic miniature, competition level for the species. I believe it also shows off a penetration twin. Lastly, you can see the tip of the crystal is almost gemmy, or as close to gemmy as I can say I have ever seen in the species! Hence, this piece is priced at a slight premium compared to even the other high quality chabazites here, for the translucent tip which I find remarkable. This is new material collected recently from this classic old locality that is difficult to access, by my friend Rod Tyson (a semi-retired mineral dealer and well-known Canadian field collector!).
Reconeixement: Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0
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