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Tema de Viquipèdia Discussió:Flow

Is there a need of different notifications when there is actions on your talk page?

Trizek (WMF) (discussiócontribucions)


(Si us plau, ajudeu a traduir-ho al vostre idioma)

There is currently a discussion ongoing about notifications, and if there is a need have specific notifications when a message is posted or answered on your personal Flow talk page. Feel free to join!

Pere prlpz (discussiócontribucions)

Si migrar a Flow fa desaparèixer les notificacions de color carabassa, això s'hauria d'avisar a la pàgina de les opcions beta perquè els usuaris ho sabessin abans de decidir-se migrar a Flow, perquè pot fer perdre's molts missatges.

Trizek (WMF) (discussiócontribucions)

The discussion is about finding a way not to loose messages (or users). I hope we will find a way to warn about new messages you need to know about! :)

Pere prlpz (discussiócontribucions)

Yes, but meanwhile users considering to try the beta feature should be warned in advance that they will lose the orange notifications they are used.

Trizek (WMF) (discussiócontribucions)

It depend on what we decide, and we can't decide alone. That's why we are opening the discussion to users. :)

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