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De la Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure

Brief stories[modifica]

The cruel visit of some friends[modifica]

Passem per un rierol prop de Mura

I was still young when there was a special encounter between Ramon Boncompte, the owner of a mechanical sheet metal and his best friends X Robleda and xx, which had a motorcycle repair workshop, both very alive and pranksters... it was in about 1957: After greetings they began a good batch of jokes to make him laugh. Ramon wanted to laugh but he couldn't, he was laughing for moments but crying and begging for mercy and shouted aloud demanding clemency. And he begged them to go out. Robleda (or xx) said: No, now we don't tell you more jokes, now we only want to speak about how you are. Ah, a good advice: you will be better if you don't laugh... But they continued joking. Ramon was just healing from an appendicitis operation when received his intimate friends in his hospital room.

The farmer was right[modifica]

I was present during the complaint of the farmer Joseph Casals, nicknamed "el vell Frara": it was raining very intensely that flooded the land and he was ranting against people who made a bay to collect the scattered waters down the forest to farmland. During the downpour, this fact provoked that a strong concentrated current of the water was causing some damage facing one side of the farmhouse l’Anglada in Malanyeu. I said I thought it was only in that special uncommon rain, but the "vell Frara" abruptly interrupt me: No! This action has been a nonsense that shouldn't have been made. The free scattered water flows with a soft pushing, and follows its ways. When the rain stops the land is going to recover its normal behaviour. So it shouldn't have been made . I agreed with him. The peasant wisdom prevails, it has more credit than the urban one, I thought.

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l'Espà(Ortografia tradicional l'Aspà, paraula d'origen probable del patronímic Spana, SIX). Poble situat a 1300 m d'altitud del municipi de Saldes, al vessant meridional del Pedraforca, a la part occidental del Coll de la Trapa, i s'estén per Feners fins al túnel de l'Avi, travessat de nord a sud per l'Aigua de Valls. Les cases: predomina la casa com a segona residència, però moltes mantenen el caràcter i l'ús rural.
Monuments: Església de Sant Andreu, d'estil romànic molt modificat.
Festes: Tercer diumenge de setembre, Festa Major de l'Espà (diumenge després de la Mare de Déu dels Dolors).
13 de juny, festivitat de Sant Antoni de Pàdua: se celebra un aplec; entre els actes, es canten els goigs Miracles de Sant Antoni.


Llinars o (Llinars de l'Aiguadora)