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Tema de Usuari Discussió:Yeza/Arxiu Flow 1

John Andersson (WMSE) (discussiócontribucions)


Congratulations to the 1st place in the UNESCO Challenge! Well done and thank you! 

Your great contribution entitles you to a signed copy of the UNESCO World Heritage Atlas and you can choose between using 150 USD in price money at the Wikimedia Store (https://store.wikimedia.org) OR you can get a print of one of the World Heritage photos (from https://int.pixum.com/poster-canvas#anchorPriceList). 

Please email eric.luthwikimedia.se what item(s) you would like, and the address you would like us to send the prizes to, and we will order them shortly.

Also, if you could take a minute to answer our survey, we would be very grateful. Your answer will help us improve our Challenges in the future.

Kind regards

Docosong (discussiócontribucions)

Felicitats, noia! :)

Beusson (discussiócontribucions)

Felicitats de nou!

Has pencat tant que els hi ha costat fer el recompte total XDDD