Present a l'obra | Star Trek, Deep Domain (en) , Rules Of Engagement (en) , Assignment: Eternity, From the Depths (en) , Bloodthirst (en) , Corona (en) , Demons (en) , Double, Double (en) , The Three-Minute Universe (en) , Twilight's End (en) , Pawns and Symbols (en) , Treaty's Law (en) , Spectre (en) , The Klingon Gambit, Web of the Romulans (en) , The Pandora Principle (en) , The Fate of the Phoenix (en) , The Prometheus Design (en) , Memory Prime, The Great Starship Race (en) , The Survivor (en) , The Cry Of The Onlies (en) , The Fearful Summons (en) , The Entropy Effect (en) , First Strike (en) , My Enemy, My Ally (en) , Mudd in Your Eye (en) , Ghost Walker (en) , Home is the Hunter (en) , The Rift, Death Count (en) , Devil World (en) , Once Upon a Planet (en) , Battlestations! (en) , Harbinger, Cloak, The Final Reflection (en) , Enemy Unseen (en) , Star Trek 1 (en) , The Wounded Sky, The Ashes Of Eden, The Badlands, Book One, Doctor's Orders (en) , Preserver (en) , Ice Trap (en) , The Disinherited (en) , Prime Directive, Vulcan! (en) , Federation, Shell Game (en) , Articles of the Federation, The Joy Machine (en) , Provenance of Shadows, Renegade (en) , The Covenant of the Crown, The Starship Trap (en) , The Rings Of Tautee (en) , Probe, The Patrian Transgression (en) , The Tears of the Singers (en) , The Trellisane Confrontation (en) , The IDIC Epidemic (en) , Timetrap, Crossover (en) , Enterprise: The First Adventure (en) , Final Frontier, The Slaver Weapon (en) , The Lost Years (en) , Dark Victory (en) , Traitor Winds (en) , Bem (en) , A Flag Full of Stars (en) , A Singular Destiny, Firestorm (en) , Surprise! (en) , The Time Trap (en) , Trek to Madworld (en) , Dwellers in the Crucible (en) , Generations, Faces of Fire (en) , Planet of Judgment (en) , Before Dishonor, Shadow Lord (en) , The Eye of the Beholder (en) , The Abode of Life (en) , The Counter-Clock Incident, Ishmael, First Frontier (en) , Best Destiny (en) , The Kobayashi Maru, Crossroad (en) , Crisis on Centaurus (en) , The Better Man (en) , Dreams of the Raven (en) , Mutiny on the Enterprise (en) , The Vulcan Academy Murders (en) , Albatross (en) , Trials and Tribble-Ations (en) , The Final Nexus (en) , Mission to Horatius, Perry's Planet (en) , Death's Angel (en) , Q&A, Relics (en) , Recovery (en) , Shadows On The Sun (en) , Black Fire (en) , Yesterday's Son, Legacy (en) , Spock, Messiah! (en) , Spock Must Die!, Spock's World (en) , In Tempest's Wake, Star Trek: The Motion Picture (en) , The Wrath of Khan (en) , The Search for Spock (en) , The Voyage Home, The Undiscovered Country (en) , Captain's Glory (en) , Captain's Blood (en) , Storming Heaven, The Autobiography of James T. Kirk, Beyond the Farthest Star (en) , Windows on a Lost World (en) , The Ambergris Element (en) , Uhura's Song (en) , Vulcan's Glory (en) , How Much For Just The Planet? (en) , The Starless World (en) , World Without End (en) , The Price of the Phoenix (en) , Time for Yesterday, Sanctuary (en) , Killing time, The Two-Front War, Chain of Attack (en) , The Galactic Whirlpool (en) , On no ha anat mai cap home, Perquè el món és buit i jo he tocat el cel, La xarxa tholiana, Empatia, No hi ha bellesa sense veritat!, El dia del colom, Els fillastres de Plató, Un tres i no res, Allò que perdura, El conflicte final, El parany home, El truc de la Corbomita, Les dones d'en Mudd, Operació: Aniquilació, Qui plora pels déus, El Galileu set, The Counter-Clock Incident, La síndrome del paradís, More Tribbles, More Troubles (en) , El temps despullat, L'enemic interior, La ciutat a la frontera del futur, Star Trek: Starship Creator, Assimilation², Issue 3, Return to Babel (en) , Star Trek Trexels, The Star Trek Book i Hegemony (en) |