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Dark mode for logged-out users coming soon!

SGrabarczuk (WMF) (discussiócontribucions)

Hi everyone, for the past year, the Web team at the Wikimedia Foundation has been working on dark mode. This work is part of the Accessibility for Reading initiative that introduces changes to the Vector 2022 and Minerva skins. It improves readability, and allows everyone, both logged-out and logged-in users, to customize reading-focused settings.

Since early this year, dark mode has been available as a beta feature on both the mobile and the desktop website. We have been collaborating with template editors and other technical contributors to prepare wikis for this feature. This work included fixing templates and ensuring that many pages can appear with dark mode without any accessibility issues. We would like to express immense gratitude to everyone involved in this. Because so much has been done, over the next three weeks, we will be releasing the feature to all Wikipedias!

Deployment configuration and timeline

  • Tier 1 and 2 Wikipedias: wikis where the number of issues in dark mode when compared to light mode is not significant. These wikis will receive dark mode for both logged-in and logged-out users. Some small issues might still exist within templates, though. We will be adding ways to report these issues so that we can continue fixing templates together with editors.
  • Tier 3 Wikipedias: wikis where the number of issues in dark mode when compared to light mode is significant. These wikis will only receive dark mode for logged-in users. We would like to make dark mode available to all users. However, some wikis still require work from communities to adapt templates. Similar to the group above, these wikis will also receive a link for reporting issues that will help identify remaining issues.
  • Week of July 1: mobile website (Minerva skin) on the Tier 1 Wikipedias (including Catalan Wikipedia)
  • Week of July 15: desktop website (Vector 2022 skin) on all Wikipedias; mobile website: logged-in and logged-out on the Tier 2 Wikipedias, logged-in only on the Tier 3 Wikipedias

How to turn on dark mode

The feature will appear in the Appearance menu alongside the options for text and width. Depending on compatibility and technical architecture, some pages might not be available in dark mode. For these pages, a notice will appear in the menu providing more information.

How to make dark mode even better!

If you would like to help to make more pages dark-mode friendly, go to our previous message and see the section "What we would like you to do (template editors, interface admins, technical editors)".

Thank you everyone. We're looking forward to your questions, opinions, and comments!

Resposta a «Dark mode for logged-out users coming soon!»
Paucabot (discussiócontribucions)

La plantilla {{Article principal}} ja no funciona. Si l'article on apunta no existeix, hauria d'aparèixer en vermell, però apareix en blau, per exemple, a Ju-On: The Grudge 2#Repartiment. Crec que deu ser qualque dependència, perquè la plantilla no s'ha editat recentment.

Paucabot (discussiócontribucions)
Vriullop (discussiócontribucions)

Res a veure amb les infotaules que s'estan tocant. Diria que l'enllaç vermell no funciona des del desembre 2022 quan es va canviar pel mòdul copiat de l'anglès. Allà tampoc surt vermell i l'únic comentari antic que he vist diu "Generally not reasonable to link to a non-existent article".

Paucabot (discussiócontribucions)

Deu ser una altra cosa, perquè sí que funcionava fa un mes, per exemple.

Paucabot (discussiócontribucions)

Ara sembla que s'ha arreglat ...

Vriullop (discussiócontribucions)

Increïble. Encara no havia comprovat res. A enwiki tenen la drecera en:WP:THURSDAY per aquests casos. Aquí seria VP:DIMECRES perquè anem un dia avançats en les actualitzacions del Mediawiki. Imagino que uses vector-2022. El que va bé per saber si és un VP:DIMECRES és comprovar amb ?useskin=vector. El vector-2010 gairebé no s'actualiza. Per cert, amb mòbil segueix blau.

Paucabot (discussiócontribucions)

Ara acab de veure un error que sembla relacionat: amb el meu skin, m'apareixen totes les discussions d'articles en blau, s'hagin creat o no.

Vriullop (discussiócontribucions)

Des d'ahir VP:DIMECRES. Segur que aquesta tarda apareixerà a la taverna anglesa.

Resposta a «La plantilla Ap ha deixat de funcionar»

Eina per trobar enllaços vermells en una categoria i subcategories

Leptictidium (discussiócontribucions)

Bon dia. D'uns dies ençà, el PetScan dona el següent error quan el fem servir per trobar enllaços vermells:

Server(ServerError { code: 1054, message: "Unknown column 'lt0.lt__namespace' in 'where clause'", state: "42S22" })

Sabeu com arreglar-ho o, si no, coneixeu alguna altra eina que permeti trobar enllaços vermells en una categoria i subcategories? Gràcies!

Resposta a «Eina per trobar enllaços vermells en una categoria i subcategories»
Pere prlpz (discussiócontribucions)

Des d'aquest migdia el ListeriaBot està esborrant informació d'una pila de llistes automàtiques, posant malament els formats i deixant llistes diferents cada cop que li prems el botó d'actualitzar. He comprovat que passa el mateix a eswiki i frwiki, i que passa amb llistes de temes diferents, de manera que la causa no pot ser una edició disruptiva de Wikidata.

He deixat un avís a phab:T366931 i un a https://github.com/magnusmanske/listeria_rs/issues/121 però tampoc tinc gaire clar que siguin els llocs més efectius.

Espero que triguin prou poc a parar-lo i si pot ser arreglar-lo com perquè no valgui la pena blocar-lo.

Pere prlpz (discussiócontribucions)

No veig que els mantenidors del bot estiguin responent, tot i tenir uns quants missatges a https://github.com/magnusmanske/listeria_rs/issues/121 i a en:User_talk:Magnus_Manske#ListeriaBot_malfunction_in_several_Wikipedias.

Començo a pensar que convindria blocar el ListeriaBot i revertir-ne totes les edicions des de divendres al migdia, cosa que vol dir desfer unes 250 edicions sense fer servir el botó de revertir per no carregar-nos edicions correctes anteriors. No m'agrada la idea però si continua gaires dies tindrem 1500 llistes esguerrades.

Pere prlpz (discussiócontribucions)
Resposta a «El ListeriaBot fent bogeries»
Bernatargentona (discussiócontribucions)

Bones, tinc varis articles creats que a la infotaula no tenen imatge, hi ha alguna forma rapida des de viquipèdia o WD de saber quins articles que tinc en seguiment no tenen imatge a la infotaula?


Paucabot (discussiócontribucions)
Bernatargentona (discussiócontribucions)

Merci Pau, pel moment ho he mirat manual i son varis. Aviam si aconsegueixo la foto de tots ells per completar els articles

Pere prlpz (discussiócontribucions)

Com que les fotos de les infotaules són a Wikidata, és viable mirar quins articles no tenen foto. El que no pot fer cap eina ni ningú que no siguis tu és mirar quins articles són a la teva llista de seguiment. Aleshores, la cosa és com li dius a l'eina que sigui quins articles t'interessen.

Si t'interessa una categoria pots fer servir el PetScan, ja sigui intersecant amb la teva categoria amb la que diu en Pau o ja sigui demanant els articles de la teva categoria que no tenen la Imatge (P18) a Wikidata.

Una altra manera que és més el que demanes, és primer editar la teva llista de seguiment, copiar-ne els articles, i enganxar-los a la finestra "Manual list" del PetScan, però no ho he fet mai i no sé si pots copiar i enganxar tal com raja o si s'ha d'editar d'alguna manera el format de la llista perquè l'entengui el PetScan.

I una altra manera és definir els articles que t'interessen a partir d'un criteri sobre el que hi ha a Wikidata. Si el criteri és simple es pot fer la consulta amb PetScan, i si no amb una query o una query combinada amb PetScan.

Bernatargentona (discussiócontribucions)

Moltes gràcies intentare amb alguna de les formes que em comentes

Resposta a «Com saber quins articles no tenen imatge»
TaronjaSatsuma (discussiócontribucions)
Cataleirxs (discussiócontribucions)

Fet Fet!

Resposta a «Infotaula trencada»
Vriullop (discussiócontribucions)

Amb l'Amador hem tingut una discussió preliminar de les implicacions que té el mode fosc. Inicialment ens hem centrat en les infotaules, la nostra obsessió, però de seguida hem vist l'enorme impacte que tot això té en un munt de pàgines i casos diversos, fins i tot en la portada. Hi ha coses que simplement no es poden llegir. És una feina enorme de revisió de plantilles.

Hem anotat les primeres conclusions i tasques pendents a Viquiprojecte:Adaptacions per al Mode Fosc. Què cal:

  1. En general, activeu el mode fosc opcional i visiteu pàgines aleatòries o les que us facin més ràbia. Informeu de problemes a la discussió.
  2. Cal col·laboradors amb un mínim d'idea de CSS.
Resposta a «Viquipèdia en mode fosc»

The Appearance menu and new default standard font size will be available for logged-out users

SGrabarczuk (WMF) (discussiócontribucions)

Hi everyone! We are the Wikimedia Foundation Web team. We work on making it easier to read Wikimedia projects as part of the objective "Reading and media experience" of the current year’s annual plan. To achieve this goal, we have introduced the "Accessibility for Reading" beta feature. It adds a menu which works on the Vector 2022 skin and allows logged-in users to choose different font sizes and color schemes based on individual needs.

The menu introduces a new Standard font setting. It slightly increases the size and height of the font. It was selected based on multiple sources. You will find more information on this in the section "About the new Standard font setting".

What will change

  • We are now ready to make the new Appearance menu available for logged-out and logged-in users.
  • At the same time, we will also make the Standard option the new default for logged-out users only.
  • If no breaking technical issues are found, we plan on making this change within the next two weeks.
  • Later, this menu will also include the option to select dark mode, which for the time being will remain a beta feature. For more information, check out our project page.

Our works so far and next steps

Logged-in users will remain with the "small" setting for the time being as their default, but can change to any other setting at any time. In a few months, we will study how many logged-in users switch to standard and start a conversation on whether it makes sense for logged-in users to make the switch as well. From the early data from the beta feature, 55% of sessions who interacted with the feature chose to use a setting that was standard or larger.

If you'd like to help, we have a few simple requests for you:

  1. Please, turn on the beta feature ("Accessibility for Reading (Vector 2022)")
  2. Try out the new menu. Is anything confusing? Do you understand all the labels and how the menu works?
  3. Try out the small, standard, and large sizes, the color schemes, and the width toggle. Reach out to us if you notice any bugs, or have questions or concerns.

If you'd like to learn more about the project, see our FAQ. Comments and questions are most welcome. Thank you!

Resposta a «The Appearance menu and new default standard font size will be available for logged-out users»

Early access to the dark mode (mobile web, logged-in)

SGrabarczuk (WMF) (discussiócontribucions)

Hi everyone, as announced in November, the Web team at the Wikimedia Foundation is working on dark (sometimes also called night) mode. Now, we have released the feature for logged-in users of advanced mobile mode across all wikis for testing purposes. But don't worry, the new feature is not disruptive! (See the "known limitations" section below.) It's just important for us to work together with you before we release this feature to a wider audience. Our goals for the early rollout are to:

  • Show what we've built very early. The earlier you are involved, the more your voices will be reflected in the final version
  • Get your help with flagging bugs, issues, and requests
  • Work with technical editors to adjust various templates and gadgets to the dark mode

Go to the project page and the FAQ page to see more information about the basics of this project.

Known limitations of the initial release

  • Currently, dark mode is only available on mobile, for logged-in users who have opted into advanced mode, as an opt-in feature.
  • Gadgets may initially not work well with dark mode and may have to be updated.
  • Our first goal is making dark mode work on articles. Special pages, talk pages, and other namespaces have not been updated to work in dark mode yet. We have temporarily disabled dark mode on some of these pages.

What we would like you to do (the broad community)

If you have questions - ask us! Also, where appropriate, consider linking to the Recommendations for dark mode compatibility on Wikimedia wikis on pages explaining how to define colors in code. Soon, this page will be marked for translation. We would like to emphasize that the recommendations may evolve. For this reason, we are not suggesting to create your local wiki copies of recommendations. At some point, the copy could become different from the original version.

What we would like you to do (template editors, interface admins, technical editors)

When most bugs are solved, we'll be able to make the dark mode available for readers on both desktop and mobile. To make this happen, we need to work together with you on reporting and solving the problems.

  1. To turn it on, use the mobile website and go to the settings part of your menu and opt into advanced mode, if you haven't already. Then, set the color to dark. (Later, we will be allowing the device preferences to set dark mode automatically).
  2. Next, go to different articles and look for issues:
    • If you have noticed an issue with a template but do not know how to fix it
      1. Go to the recommendations page and find a relevant example
      2. If no relevant example is available or you're not sure of the fix, contact us
    • If you want to debug articles in dark mode
      1. Install the WCAG color contrast browser extension (Chrome, Firefox) and visit some articles. Use it to identify problems
      2. Go to the recommendations page and find relevant examples
      3. If no relevant example is available or you're not sure of the fix, contact us
    • If you have a bug report for dark mode that is not related to templates
      1. Take a screenshot of what you are observing.
      2. Contact us. If possible, please write down your browser version and operating system version.

Thank you. We're looking forward to your opinions and comments!

Resposta a «Early access to the dark mode (mobile web, logged-in)»