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Llista de peixos de l'Oceà Àrtic

De la Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure

Aquesta llista de peixos de l'Oceà Àrtic inclou les 123 espècies de peixos que es poden trobar a l'oceà Àrtic ordenades per l'ordre alfabètic de llur nom científic.

Anarhichas denticulatus
Anarrhichthys ocellatus
Amblyraja radiata
Ammodytes dubius
Artediellus uncinatus
Coregonus clupeaformis
Bacallà polar (Boreogadus saida)
Eleginus gracilis
Gymnelus hemifasciatus
Gymnocanthus tricuspis
Hemilepidotus papilio
Hippoglossoides robustus
Icelus spatula
Liparis fabricii
Lycodes frigidus
Lycodes vahlii
Lycodes mucosus
Lycodes reticulatus 2.jpg
Capelí (Mallotus villosus)
Escorpí de mar d'espines curtes (Myoxocephalus scorpius)
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Alevins de salmó keta (Oncorhynchus keta)
Salmó vermell (Oncorhynchus nerka)
Salmó rosat del Pacífic (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha)
Oncorhynchus tschawytscha
Salmó platejat (Oncorhynchus kisutch)
Llampresa de mar (Petromyzon marinus)
Pholis gunnellus
Platichthys flesus
Prosopium cylindraceum
Pungitius pungitius
Peix carboner (Pollachius virens)
Palaia anglesa (Pleuronectes platessa)
Halibut negre (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides)
Tauró dormilega del Pacífic (Somniosus pacificus)
Salmó (Salmo salar)
Tauró de Groenlàndia (Somniosus microcephalus)
Triglops pingelii
Gall de Sant Pere (Zeus faber)


  1. FishBase (anglès)


  • Able, K. W., 1990: A revision of Arctic snailfishes of the genus Liparis (Scorpaeniformes: Cyclopteridae). Copeia 1990 (núm. 2): 476-492.
  • Bean, T. H., 1879: Contributions to the natural history of Arctic America, made in connection with the Howgate polar expedition (1877-1878). Fishes collected in Cumberland Gulf and Disko Bay. Bulletin of the United States National Museum v. 15: 107-138.
  • Fowler, H. W., 1905: Notes on some arctic fishes, with a description of a new Oncocottus. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 57: 362-370.
  • Gill, T. N., 1864: Note on the paralepidoids and microstomatoids, and on some peculiarities of Arctic ichthyology. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 16 (núm. 4): 187-189.
  • Günther, A., 1877: Account of the fishes collected by Capt. Feilden between 78° and 83° N. lat., during the Arctic Expedition 1875-1876. The Journal of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 1877: 293-295, Pl. 32.
  • Günther, A., 1877: Report on a collection of fishes made by Mr. C. Hart during the late Arctic Expedition. The Journal of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 1877: 475-477, Pl. 50.
  • Mecklenburg, C. W., D. L. Stein, B. A. Sheiko, N. V. Chernova, T. A. Mecklenburg et al., 2007: Russian-American long-term census of the Arctic: benthic fishes trawled in the Chukchi Sea and Bering Strait, agost de 2004. Northwestern Naturalist v. 88: 168-187.
  • Nielsen, J. G. i J. M. Jensen, 1967: Revision of the Arctic cod genus, Arctogadus (Pisces, Gadidae). Meddelelser om Grønland v. 184 (núm. 2): 1-28, Pl. 1.
  • Pennant, T., 1787: Supplement to the Arctic zoology. Henry Hughs, Londres. Supplement to the Arctic zoology.: i-viii + 1-163 + 2 foldout maps.
  • Scofield, N. B., 1899: List of fishes obtained in the waters of Arctic Alaska. A Jordan, D. S., Fur seals, and fur-seal islands of the North Pacific Ocean. Part 3. Washington DC, 493-509, Pls. 42 i 74.

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